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In 2001, Dana Atkinson went on a three-week safari through South Africa. Seven weeks after she returned to the States, she sold her house, car, and most of her belongings then departed again for Africa, this time for an undetermined amount of time. The fingers of Africa began to wrap tightly around her during her first visit in a grip Africa maintains on Dana today, many years after she first set foot on Africa's soil. She has now traveled thirteen African countries, spending hundreds of nights on the continent.

Her first book Domestic Departures, A Midlife Crisis Safari tells of her solo move to Africa; how it came to be and what she learned from this amazing place. Dana's second book, Traveling Africa, A Woman's Guide gives readers practical advice to travel Africa safely and have their own life changing journey. The book covers everything from how to decide what trip is right for you, to how to properly pack for that trip and everything you need to know in-between.

Africa, Through My Mother's Eyes is her third book on the subject and although this one is fiction, most locations are real and through her narrative she will take you on an amazing African journey to see the land through her character's eyes as they weave their way through life.

Dana's most recent book is called Party of One which is a collection of stories of her solo travels in Africa. Download or order a copy today.


After her home was destroyed by a hurricane in 2018 with her in it, she moved far away from hurricanes and tornadoes.  Dana now lives in Tucson, Arizona with her dog, Poppy. 

Keep an eye out for her next project which is a new fiction story that will continue where Through My Mother's Eyes left off.

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Dana with her little dog Poppy.

Follow Dana on Instagram @danadatk

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